I am excited to share this news with you:
On August 17, 14:00 ET / 20:00 CET, I will speak about using analogue cameras to teach about the Cold War division of Europe, the beginnings of European integration and the difficult history of European nation-states. In my class at DIS Study Abroad, we travel, do scavenger hunts, visit site where history took place and stop to snap the roses, as my former student Hannah put it.
This is not to say that Instagram with its instant sharing of photos should be banned, but it is certainly not the only way to capture the world around us. Analogue photography can provide a great alternative and turn out to be useful in a modern classroom.

I would love to share my thoughts about how to enrich the usual political studies teaching toolbox and to involve in a conversation with you. Join me this Saturday at 14:00 ET / 20:00 CET and check out other exciting Medium Day events! After clicking the link, just search for ‘CounterGram’ and you will find my session.