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In Limes on 30 years of post-Soviet Polish-Ukrainian relations

When Limes, Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica asked me to write about 30 years of post-Soviet Polish-Ukrainian relations, we did not know Russia would invade Ukraine within a few weeks. Nevertheless, the article I submitted has just been published. I believe it is still, if not more, pertinent and sheds light on the meanders of memory politics in Central and Eastern Europe. It is also a part of my research project at Lund University on nationalism in the region.

You can find the English version (which was translated to Italian) here.

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In “Limes” on Belarus and Poland

My article entitled ‘Polonia fa il tifo per la piazza’ in the latest issue of Italian geopolitical journal Limes is out. It provides a longue durée perspective of the area that constitute today’s Belarus in the context of recent developments there. It also briefly explains how it all relates to Poland.

You can find the article here:

All images were added by the editors. The translation from English into Italian was provided by Fabrizio Maronta.