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Comemmorating Seweryn Pieniężny

Thanks to cooperation with and web portals, I co-authored an article in Polish and Russian on Seweryn Pieniezny. He was a prominent figure of the Ermland (Warmia in Polish) province in the early 20th century and the interwar period. He fought for keeping the region’s identity and its strong ties with Polish language and culture. Pieniężny was arrested by German authorities on September 1st, 1939, and detained in the Hohenbruch labour/concentration camp. He was murdered there on February 24th, 1940.

The articles were published as a part of my work as Vice-Consul at Consulate General of Poland in Kaliningrad.

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O Żeleznodorożnym w “Przeglądzie Bałtyckim”

Zadebiutowałem na łamach portalu “Przegląd Bałtycki” tekstem poświęconym miejscowości Żeleznodorożnyj, przed którą od lat stoją poważne wyzwania:,kapitalne-gierdawy….

Czy tzw. remont kapitalny, stosunkowo nowy pomysł władz regionalnych, zwiększy atrakcyjność przedwojennych Gierdaw? Debiut ma również wymiar fotograficzny, ponieważ artykułowi towarzyszą zdjęcia mojego autorstwa. Można je znaleźć również tutaj.

Dziękuję redakcji “PB” za współpracę!

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100 years of Poland’s consular presence in Königsberg/Kaliningrad

Last year we celebrated the 100th anniversary of Polish consular presence in Koenigsberg/Kaliningrad. On this occasion, together with my colleagues we worked on a small commemorating piece for Korolievskiye Vorota. The article got published in December 2020. Big thanks to everyone that helped this initiative come to life!

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In “Limes” on Belarus and Poland

My article entitled ‘Polonia fa il tifo per la piazza’ in the latest issue of Italian geopolitical journal Limes is out. It provides a longue durée perspective of the area that constitute today’s Belarus in the context of recent developments there. It also briefly explains how it all relates to Poland.

You can find the article here:

All images were added by the editors. The translation from English into Italian was provided by Fabrizio Maronta.